
15 Things You Can Do In Berlin For Under €15

Date: 8 June, 2015
15 Things You Can Do In Berlin For Under €15
Berlin can be considered to be one of the more expensive destinations in Europe, but it's certainly a must-see city! It's more than possible to experience Berlin's crazy alternative culture without your wallet being ripped to shreds! There're so many incredible pocket-friendly things to do, especially outside the tourist traps! 15 things you can do in Berlin for under €15 precisely ;)

15. Break into an abandoned building


Whether it's old Soviet building (pictured above), the old Iraqi embassy or the infamous abandoned amusement park, Treptow park, the selection of awesome deserted places you can weasel your way into is massive. You just didn't hear it from me!

14. Walk the East Side Gallery

East Side Gallery

Yep, you can walk all of the 1.3km of the East Side Gallery. It's unique array of street art and graffiti makes it a great spot for any Instagram pics. Located down by Spree, it's not too bad of an idea to grab a beer and have yourselves a picnic by the river.

13. Eat your weight in Currywurst


Curry 36 is the Mecca of Currywurst lovers. A mixture of German sausage and curry ketchup, Currywurst is not only a favourite amongst the locals but also by travellers. It's cheap, so the perfect ideal snack between sightseeing. A bit touchy on the stomach, I wouldn't recommend it as a hangover treat. Trust me on that. 

12. Go up the Berliner Dom

Berliner Dom

One of the more budget-friendly panoramic views of Berlin, going up the Berliner Dom offers you an incredible view of the city. It's €5 if you're a student, or €7 if you're a normal person! Smack in the centre of Berlin, it's easy to fit into a short itinerary!

11. Listen to the live musicians on Warschauerbrücke


6 am or 6 pm, there's always someone banging out a tune on a guitar or saxophone on Warschauerbrücke. They tend to be good too! One of the busiest transport hubs in the city, it's close to the trendy areas of Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg! Perfect time for a beer and hanging out with your roomies!

10. Pay Into Berghain


Ah Berghain. Notorious for being the world's toughest club to get into, insane trance music and 24 hour partying. It's good to know that if you do get in the entrance fee is €15. At the top of the budget but it's the ultimate Berlin experience.

9. Dance the night away in Clärchens Ballhaus

Clärchens Ballhaus

There's no better place to go tango, swing or salsa dancing than Clärchens Ballhaus! From its post-WW1 cabaret days to underground parties during the Third Reich, and now a total hotspot for amateur dancers. Week after week I've voluntarily embarrassed on the dancefloor. But it's a good laugh and free to attend!

8. Go to a squat fundraiser


This one may take a bit of research, but it's worth the detective work! Squat fundraisers are where you see Berlin alternative culture in it's truest, oddest and, therefore, most beautiful form. Live music, decent food and great company are what you can expect.

7. Take advantage of a free tour


NEXT City Tours

Oh look, a free tour by NEXT, isn't that a coincidence? But in all seriousness guys, our free tours are pretty gosh darn great. And I'm not just saying that because I've done the tours in person, but the guides are hilarious, interesting and so are the tours! So check us out if you're in town ;)

6. Grab a beer, or like, 20 beers...


Beer is pretty cheap in Berlin, it's also very tasty and the best part you ask? German beer doesn't give you a hangover. I'm not kidding guys, it's kind of dangerous. The beer is so good, and so cheap you end up drinking and having fun day-in-day-out. Berlin life is hard...

5. Check out Haus Schwarzenberg

Haus Schwarzenberg

I personally describe this place as Instagram on acid. It's a beautiful explosion of colour, history and culture. Located in the centre of Berlin it's really easy to get to, and completely free to visit! HURRAY! And what another coincidence, it's one of the stops on our Alternative City Tour! Blatant advertising aside, this tour dives in so soooo deep into the history of street art, the politics of the street art underworld and you see some really cool shit along the way, plus it's free!

4. Have some banter at Mauerpark flea market


I think every Mother appreciates it when you return home with ghastly WW2 memorabilia. Mauerpark is on all-day Sunday and it's probably the best place to pick up hilariously inappropriate souvenirs. I bought my friend a Gestapo officer's hat, he wears it to dinner parties.

3. Pre-Drink On Top of Berlin


You'll find Klunkerkranich on top of the carpark, down in the up and coming hippest part of Berlin, Neukollin. You'll find yourself saying "Dammmmmn Berlin, you lookin' good baby!" while sipping on your sixth Berliner Pilsner before heading out to...

2. Join Generation Pub Crawl


And what a pub crawl is it! Belonging to the longest running pub crawl company in the world, the guides at Generation Pub Crawl know how to fucking party. It's only €10, so it's also the cheapest in Berlin! Explore genuine Berliner bars, techno clubs and literally stay out like a true Berliner until 7 am!

1. Recover at Yamm Beach

Yaam Beach Club

And when you wake up at noon, with blurry memories and 60+ friend requests on Facebook it's time to grab your fellow dishevelled roommates and head down to Yaam Beach, located across from Ostbahnof station, so it's super easy to get to. Not to mention the food is good, the beer is cheap and the vibe chill. Perfect for anyone having a rough day.


That's it lads and ladettes, I hope I've encouraged you enough to get yourselves to this incredibly wacky city that is Berlin. Did I mention the beer is good?


By someone who really likes Berlin, Catherine Munnelly 

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