Travel Blog Page №10

Where To Find Barcelona's Most Bad-Ass Brunch
Date: 25 March, 2015
Where To Find Barcelona's Most Bad-Ass Brunch
Brunch is a fabulous time: it's when you go over the hilarious and sometimes horrendous details of the night before. It's when you get properly acquainted with Carlos, or Carl or whatever their name was. And most of all, it's the time of the week when you f*ck all your dietary promises out the window in favour of maple bacon pancakes, eggs and a sneaky mimosa.
15 Things In Prague For Under €5
Date: 24 March, 2015
15 Things In Prague For Under €5
€5 = approx 138CZK (depending on the currency rate). Prague is a super cheap place so you'll be surprised how far exactly 138CZK can get you. At HostelCulture, we know how important keeping to your budget is, so I've compiled a list of the best things to do for under 138CZK!
The Search For The Best Cocktails In Prague
Date: 22 March, 2015
The Search For The Best Cocktails In Prague
You've arrived. You survived that epically long train journey. You deserve a drink. Not jut any drink, but a delicious cocktail. But, where to go? Ah HAH, here is my speciality. I love a good cocktail more than the next person, so trust me... I know where to go ;)
Alternative Nights Out To Partying in Prague
Date: 20 March, 2015
Alternative Nights Out To Partying in Prague
Many many people head to Prague for the partying, however if dancing the night away in a club isn't your cup of tea, check out these alternative ways to spend the evening.
The Ultimate Irish Slang Guide
Date: 13 March, 2015
The Ultimate Irish Slang Guide
There are almost countless sayings, witticisms and slang words in the Irish vernacular. Some are regional while most are used country-wide. We've compiled the ones you'll most likely encounter and indeed can use yourself to fit in with the locals and avoid brain melting. This is the ultimate Irish slang guide!
Definitive Guide To Cheap Local Eats In Prague
Date: 12 March, 2015
Definitive Guide To Cheap Local Eats In Prague
Coming to the Czech Republic can be overwhelming, especially as the language is so totally different to those of Western Europe. Which makes finding food (and knowing what it is) that much more difficult. Below I have compiled a list of the most popular (read: delicious) local foods, which are always, ALWAYS super cheap.
21 Reasons You Need To Go To Barcelona
Date: 12 March, 2015
21 Reasons You Need To Go To Barcelona
Like right now. Barcelona has so much to offer, sunshine, beaches, an endless array of fantastic cuisine and good sangria. Yep Barcelona should be at the top of everyone's travel list! Need some convincing? Well here's 21 reasons you need to go to Barcelona...
Where To Find Berlin's Most Bad-Ass Brunch
Date: 11 March, 2015
Where To Find Berlin's Most Bad-Ass Brunch
It's Sunday. You're hungover. You're in Berlin, and you need to feel human again. Look no further ladies and gentlemen. We got the low-down on where to find Berlin's most bad-ass brunch. From the sweet combo of maple syrup covered American style pancakes, fruity kebabs and some nutritious vegan delights. If there's one thing Berliners certainly know how to do, it's brunch.
15 Things You Can Do For Under €5 In Dublin
Date: 10 March, 2015
15 Things You Can Do For Under €5 In Dublin
Dublin is a little gem of a city. With thousands of pubs, dozens of parks and a million friendly locals, it has a great reputation with backpackers! Although like most European capitals it is on the expensive side of things, but there is so much you can do Dublin on the cheap. For example, these 15 things you can do for under €5 in Dublin...
Prague: Where To Find Good Coffee
Date: 5 March, 2015
Prague: Where To Find Good Coffee
I know better than anyone else that Prague is a busy city. Full of tourists, workers and students. It can be difficult to find somewhere quiet away from the hustle and bustle to have a nice cup of coffee. Although Prague may not be like Berlin in any way shape or form - we are catching up on the coffee bar scene! Luckily for you... NEXT City Tours knows where to go!
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